Cranberry Orange Bread

Have you tried Cranberry Orange Bread??  

Oh my!  A few days ago I was having some trouble sleeping, so I got on Pinterest in the middle of the night and I was just pinning away!  One of the recipes that caught my eye was Cranberry Orange Bread!  If I would have had some cranberries in my house, I probably would have made it…right there in the middle of the night!  But as it was…I had to wait until I could go to the store the next morning to get a bag of cranberries…but it was totally worth the wait!cranberry orange breadThis is a wonderful sweet bread with the tang of the cranberries, the crunchiness of the nuts and the zestfulness of the orange peel!  I added the orange glaze to it and it just set it over the top!  This sweet bread is the perfect dessert, breakfast food, or a great snack for a particularly jolly old guy.  :)  I combined a couple of recipes to make this bread and then I finished  it with the zesty orange glaze to send it over the top!


 This is probably the closest thing to fruitcake that I am ever going to make!  Ha Ha!   But I absolutely love this bread and the orange and cranberry flavors will be sure to put you in the holiday spirit!  It tastes even better the next day!cranberry orange breadThis is one recipe that I will add to my recipe arsenal!  It freezes well and would be wonderful in mini loaves to give as gifts!  (If you make mini loaves, bake for about 35 minutes)

How is everyone coming on all of their Christmas preparations?  I am slowly getting my projects done.  I still need to make a batch of fudge and my peanut clusters, but if I make them right now, I will eat too many!  :)

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you have a Merry Day!

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2 thoughts on “Cranberry Orange Bread

    1. Roswitha, this is one recipe that I will be making all year round now that I found out you can buy frozen cranberries! I think my diet is really in trouble now! :)

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