Tomorrow is the last day of the 40 day Conference Reading Challenge!! How are you doing?
If you have several more talks to read…keep going!
Or if you are just starting…keep going!
And if you are all caught up…keep going!
Even if you have only read one talk, you are doing better than if you had not taken on this challenge at all! The challenge was simply to encourage you to read or re-read the conference talks. And, to prepare you for the next conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Here is a fun treat to do for those of you that participated in the challenge.
40 day conference challenge treat This is a fun way to treat yourself, or those that participated along with you! It is not a treat of completion, but rather, a treat of participation! Because if you read even one talk, you did better than if you had not read any talks!
I hoped that everyone enjoyed the Women’s Conference tonight. We all need to have more faith and to do the things that we were counseled to do. I know I do!
I am excited about General Conference next week and I found a fun Conference Coloring packet to share with you!
It is from My Daylights. Just click on the link for the downloads. I printed mine on card stock paper and did them single sided, so I can take notes not only on the space provided, but on the back too!
So that is the 40 Day Conference Reading Challenge for now. I hope that you enjoyed it and that you will participate in the next challenge which will be 4o days before the April 2017 conference!
Thanks for Visiting! Hope you have a Great Sunday!

I gave this challenge last month to sisters I visit teach, along with the book mark. We have had fun reading them together and what fun to share insights as we visited again this month! One sister is the only member of her family, so it was lovely to strengthen faith in each other.
Allison, Thank you so much for sharing your experience of the conference reading challenge, and also to those that you gave the challenge to. You are awesome! Keep up the great work and may the Lord bless you!
Rita you are AMAZING! Thank you for introducing this challenge. It has blessed my life and I know it has rippled to countless others. You are so talented and so gifted with words. Thank you again. I LOVED it! And can’t wait to do it again with you. Have a great conference and a fantastic Week!!
Natalie, You are welcome! Thank you for heading up a facebook page. You had great response to it and I appreciate your insight! You had some beautiful printables with the Women’s Conference. Hope you also have a great conference weekend. I am looking forward to it!