School starts today in our neck of the woods so…
I just cannot resist wishing all those mother’s of school age children a Happy Unofficial Mother’s Day!
(Image-Graphics Fairy)
If you have younger children, you may not appreciate this. It is hard to let your little ones go. They grow up so fast!
But if you have children that are a little older school age, you will totally get it! :)
My sister and I always called each other on the first day of school to wish each other a Happy Mothers Day. So…I am just carrying on with tradition!
Don’t you love this picture?
The girls are all somber with their hands folded.
And the some of the boys have a big smirk on their faces!
Some things never change!
So to all you mother’s of school age children…I hope you have a wonderful, Happy Unofficial Mother’s Day!
Kick your feet up for a few minutes and just revel in the quietness!
You have earned it!!!
It won’t last long and soon all of the craziness of family life will begin again.
But for just a minute, enjoy your wonderful life!
On another note, the 40 day conference challenge begins tomorrow.
If you still need a bookmark, click on the link above for your free printable.
I did the challenge bookmark with the dates that were in my Mormon Planner, but they have conference on the wrong weekend!
Conference is on Sept. 30th and Oct. 1!
So you may want to start today and maybe get ahead a little bit. That way you will be completely done before Oct. Conference!
Either way works because you are still reading the conference talks!
Thanks for visiting today. Hope you have a wonderful Unofficial Mother’s Day!