Well, it is that time of year again…time to make some Children’s Donation Quilts. Continue reading

Well, it is that time of year again…time to make some Children’s Donation Quilts. Continue reading
We had our annual Sinterklaas party last night and boy am I tired this morning! It was a lot of fun…but a lot of work! We celebrate Sinterklaas day because my oldest son served a mission for the church in the Netherlands. I have always loved the idea of welcoming in the Christmas Season with Santa! We then celebrate the spiritual side of Christmas on Christmas Eve. Continue reading
Is there something that you could do for someone else today? It could be something as simple as a smile or friendly wave. It could be visiting someone who might need you today, or it could be something big like helping someone with their yard or their house work! I don’t know about you, but I always feel better about me when I think of others! Just think about all the good that we can do today if each of us does just one simple act of service or kindness…it will be amazing!
Have a great day today serving someone else!
Love Ya!
When my granddaughter was in the hospital they gave her a fringed blanket and she absolutely loved it. So I decided to make some blankets to donate back to a local hospital.
I don’t know if I have been living in the dark ages or what, but I had never seen these blankets tied like this until she got hers and when I saw it, it was an ah ha moment! Why didn’t I ever think of that?! Don’t you love my little blanket models? My granddaughter is behind the blanket holding it up for me!