We had our Sinterklass Party for 2016 and the kids young and old had a good time.Isn’t this the sweetest picture? Santa asked for a hug and she immediately gave him one!

We had our Sinterklass Party for 2016 and the kids young and old had a good time.Isn’t this the sweetest picture? Santa asked for a hug and she immediately gave him one!
We had our annual Sinterklaas party this last weekend and the kids had a great time!
Sinterklass day is not until Dec. 5th, but we always have our party on the weekend when we can all be together. We started this tradition after my oldest son served a mission for our church, in the Netherlands. I love all of the rich traditions that go along with the arrival of Sinterklaas and the start of the Christmas season. That is why we celebrate it every year. It is just a fun way to kick off the holidays! I will apologize in advanced for all the family pictures in this post, but that is what this party is all about and then also this fun guy:
Yesterday for our Sunday dinner I made Stromboli. This used to be a family favorite when my kids were all at home and we would make this a lot of times on Sunday night. Now when I make this I have to make enough for an army..well almost! When we get together for Sunday dinner now we are up to 19 or 20 people depending on who is there. It is fun chaos and the noise decible goes up considerably when everyone is there. But it is great to see the cousins become good friends to each other!