As many of you know that follow me right now…I am trying to cut out the sugar and sweet treats except for one day a week. I usually make a dessert on Sundays and this is what I made last Sunday! Continue reading

As many of you know that follow me right now…I am trying to cut out the sugar and sweet treats except for one day a week. I usually make a dessert on Sundays and this is what I made last Sunday! Continue reading
Here is a fun version of Muddy Buddies that would be perfect for almost any summer gathering that you might have! It is easy to make, easy to transport, easy to serve and it looks delicious to boot!
Both young and old love the taste of Oreo cookies, making this version of muddy buddies one of our all-time top favorites!
I have a couple of Valentines projects that I am in the process of working on…but decided that I would do a roundup of some of my previous Valentines ideas for you to look at right now!
These are in no particular order and there are recipes, crafts, printables, candy, cookies and all kinds of goodies for you!
Just click on the link for the “how to” for each of them.