My granddaughter finished her turning twenty quilt, only we did twelve, not twenty fat quarters. She added the borders and the corners and I was able to get it all quilted for her. Continue reading

My granddaughter finished her turning twenty quilt, only we did twelve, not twenty fat quarters. She added the borders and the corners and I was able to get it all quilted for her. Continue reading
With all of my recuperating time from my accident and now with summer coming to an end really quick (the kids start back to school next week!) I did not get to my usual sewing classes for all the granddaughters. But I decided that I would do a class with my oldest granddaughter because she is now old enough to do most of it on her own! Eight years old is a great time to start your little ones sewing, because they are so excited about it and they are getting the coordination that is needed to run the foot pedal and guide the fabric at the same time!
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