This month for the visiting teaching handout for my church the message is: Divine Mission of Jesus Christ: Messiah.
I knew that I wanted to use these fun ice cream images from Just So Scrappy, so I went with the title, “Here’s the Scoop!”

This month for the visiting teaching handout for my church the message is: Divine Mission of Jesus Christ: Messiah.
I knew that I wanted to use these fun ice cream images from Just So Scrappy, so I went with the title, “Here’s the Scoop!”
First of all I have to apologize for the troubles that we had yesterday! A lot of you let me know that you could not see any of the images or navigate around the blog, and I appreciate all of the support I recieved. I think that we are now fixed up again! Thanks for your patience during our new facelift!
This month for your visiting teaching message to your sisters, you will need to pick your favorite conference talk to teach. There are so many good ones again this time that it is hard to pick! :)
Since it is soon going to be gardening time around here, I thought this would be a fun theme to work around, so I made my regular card, a blank card and a seed packet!
This month the title of the visiting teaching lesson is
I took President Monson’s quote to focus on. I decided to just go with a spring theme for this month, since St. Patrick’s Day and Easter are both in March, so I took a more generic route. I love the colors in this handout, they just make me happy. I am so ready for Spring to come, but it is still a ways off here in Utah. I still have snow out in my yard! So I will have to be content to just bring the bright colors into my home for a little while longer.
To print, just right click over the image and go to “save image as”, then save in one of your folders. You can print from there or send out to your favorite photo processor. You can also right click over image and go to “copy image” then open your favorite program like word or presentations and right click again and go to “paste”. You can then print.
These are formatted to a 4 x 6 size.
Here is the blank one for those of you that want to translate the information.
This would also make a really fun card, invite, or tag!
I have a really fun idea to go with this that I am giving to the sisters that I visit, but I did not get it done in time to take good pictures. So I will take the pictures tomorrow in the daylight and I will post it next week! Check back then to see what I have been up to!
How is everyone doing with the challenge to get 100% visits this year? Let’s keep going!
This month the message is
It talks about the importance of sharing our testimonies and teaching those that we visit.
I just made a fun little Christmas themed card for this month. You could pair this with a fun Christmas treat, book, lotion, or any other little gift that you might want to give. But really and truly the visit is the most important part and sharing your time and talents with all those whom you serve!
Here is a blank one for those of you who would like to translate!
These are formatted to 4 x6 so you can just send them to be printed, if you want to do that.
To print, right click over image and go to “save image as” then just save into one of your pictures files.
One idea for a great treat are these yummy mint brownies You will find the recipe here.
I make these every year at Christmas time, in fact I am making some for our Sinterklaas Party this weekend! That is how good these are! I will tell more about the party next week.