My granddaughter and I made pillows, pillows, and more pillows! I guess you could say that we had Pillow-Mania! I am just about done with my sewing room makeover and I have two window seats that needed lots of pillows. Continue reading

My granddaughter and I made pillows, pillows, and more pillows! I guess you could say that we had Pillow-Mania! I am just about done with my sewing room makeover and I have two window seats that needed lots of pillows. Continue reading
When my friend and I went shopping a week or so ago we found these cute Americana tote bags that have the Declaration of Independence on it…as soon as I saw it, I knew that it would make a darling pillow.
We had a fun girl’s night out last week. My husband was gone, so when the cat’s away the mice will play, and play we did! We hired a baby sitter for all the kids and they had a great time playing downstairs while we were upstairs. We let them come up for the food after we were all done. (Nice, I know!) What a fun group! And most of the time the cousins are all great friends.
We made these pillow and I totally copied the idea from a pinterest blog. I even made the pillows in the back like on their display. She has done a great tutorial on how to make them here so I am not going to do another one. I will tell you what we did different, as you can see, some of them did the “or” in black paint and just used fine glitter which worked ok, but the glitter had to be sprayed with varnish to help keep the glitter from coming off. She suggests that you go to Walmart and buy the painter canvas, which I did, but it is not a very high quality and it frays really bad, even after using pinking shears. So I would suggest that you buy a regular piece of canvas from a fabric store. The next thing we did different was that we found out the glitter paint did not go very far, so we painted the orange with regular spray paint and then added a glitter finish to the top. It worked great that way! But all in all it was fun to see how everyone’s turned out and we had a fun evening together without kids (kind of!) Here’s what mine look like!I don’t know if I can leave them outside or not, I will have to spray scotch gaurd on them if I do so the weather won’t ruin them.!
I think they turned out pretty darn cute.