Category Archives: Printables

Just Peachy!

I went out last Sat. night and noticed that my peaches were ready to pick!  The reason I knew they were ready was because the birds had started eating them!  I was bound and determined not to let the birds win, so my husband and I went out and picked them all.  This tree is only 3 years old and it was loaded this year.  I should have thinned them out a little more because they were not really big, but that is ok, because they have a fantastic flavor!I bottled peaches on Monday and I love to see all the bottles lined up on my cupboard before I put them away in the pantry.  I think that they look so pretty.Then I had to make this yummy fresh peach dessert.

I’m in Heaven!Here is the recipe, if you have any peaches around, you should seriously make this dessert!

Tomorrow I am going to flash freeze the rest of the peaches on a cookie sheet so that I can make smoothies with them!  Yum!

The Little Bat Screamed Out in Fright

I got my fireplace mantle decorated, with the help of my super little helper!  When I picked up my granddaughter from school, I asked her what we should do today, and she said “Put out all the Halloween decorations!”  I decided that perhaps it was time and so that is what we did.  Here is the result!This is the printable that I have for you today!

 I did it in an 8×10 format and I sent mine to Costco to print.  It cost $1.49! And it is a nice printing job!This is my little Halloween witch that I got at a little shop in Midway, Utah a couple of years ago and I just love her face and pumpkin dress!Here is the printable for you to enjoy!  As I said it is 8×10 so you can frame it if you choose.

Halloween Bunting!

Here is a fun trick or treat bunting printable just in time to get you ready for Halloween!  Excuse my empty fireplace mantle, I took down what was on it, because it did not match and I have not yet put up my Halloween decorations. (I have been given strict orders by one of my granddaughters that I have to wait until she can help me… and she is only 5 years old!)  :)

You will need to print the next 6 pages. (just double click on the image and it will show you a larger version,  then right click and go to copy, then go to your favorite program and paste and print.  The image should fill up a full 81/2 x 11 sheet of paper. Two letters per page.)

Cut out each candy corn and then laminate for durability.  Punch a hole in each corner.  I punched the first one, then used it as a pattern  for all of the others.  Lay out and tie together with ribbon.  I put streamers on the two ends!  Hang up and enjoy!

Happy Haunting!