Category Archives: Thursday’s Thoughts

Thursday’s Thought- “Good Friends…”

Here is my thought for today…and isn’t this the truth!

I love this saying and I am so very blessed to have many GOOD friends!


To print, right click over image and go to “save image as”, then save in a folder of your choice.  Or, you can right click over image and go to “copy image”  then open your favorite program like Word or Presentations and right click again and go to paste.  This is formatted to and 8 x 10 for those of you that would like to have it printed and/or framed.

Are you blessed with GOOD friends?  Then indeed,you are very LUCKY too!

Thanks for visiting today!  Love Ya!

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Thursday’s Thought–Lucky Me

Today’s thought is just a repost from a couple of years ago. 

I assume that everyone has their Valentines stuff all figured out by now, so we’ll start thinking of the next holiday, okay?

 St. Patrick’s day is not a holiday that I usually do too much for.  But I decided that I could decorate my repurposed tray that sits on my kitchen counter.  This is what I came up with:

 I made these printables to share with you.  There is one cutsie one, and two modern ones.  You can just print them and frame it like I did here.

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Thursday’s Thought-“You Are The Ice…

My DIL and I are attending the Roots Tech conference this weekend and the only reason that we signed up is to listen to the


she is seriously one of my idols and I cannot wait to hear her!  We have seen her once before when she was in Salt Lake City for her first cookbook signing!  We do not even know what the other classes are, but she is a keynote speaker and so we wanted to be there!

Here is just a fun little thought for you today.  This could be used for Valentines day, an anniversary, or just to put with your Coca-Cola collection!  We are big Coke fans here at are our house, so this would be a perfect Valentine for me to give to my husband along with a case of his favorite bottled Mexican Coke!


This is formatted to an 8 x 10, so it is perfect for framing. 

To print this, right click over the image and go to “save image as” then save in a folder.  Or you can right click over the image and go to “copy image”  then open your favorite program like Word or Presentations.  Right click again and go to “paste”.  You can then print.

So do any of you have a Coco-Cola lovers in your family that you need to make a sign for?

Thanks for Visiting!  Love Ya!

Keep in touch…Like on Facebook and Pinterest

Everyday Jar Toppers

Today for my Thursday Thought, I thought that I would give you my thought but also give you a printable to go along with that thought…

My thought is:

Serve Someone Today!

I had a request for some everyday jar toppers and so that is what I have for my post today.  I would love it if you would print these out, put something fun in the jar and deliver it to someone…JUST BECAUSE!


I have done 6 different lid toppers that could be used for any occasion. Continue reading

Thursday’s Thought-A Goal is…

It is snowing today in Utah!

 I am excited about the snow because I wanted to go cross country skiing a couple of days ago and when I checked on it, the place I wanted to go to was closed because of “Lack of Snow!”   Really…in Utah?  Well, now maybe it will be open again and I can go sometime soon! :)

With it still being the beginning of January and a lot of us making goals and resolutions… 

I decided to use this for my thought today:


How are you all doing on your new goals?  I am still setting weekly goals  and following the guide in this book and I am loving this process.  I am going to frame this and put it in my office for a fun reminder to keep me going on my weekly goal!  :)  Do any of you need a cute reminder too? 

To print, right click over image and go to “save image as” then save in a folder.  Or you can right click over image and go to “copy image” then open your favorite program like Word or Presentations.  Right click again and go to “paste”  You can then print it.  This is formatted to 8 x 10 for any of you that would like to send it out to your favorite photo processing center.

Thanks for visiting today!  Love Ya!

Keep in touch…Like on Facebook and Pinterest



Thursday’s Thought – Glory to the Newborn King

Can you believe that this is the last Thursday’s Thought before Christmas?!  Where did December go?  How are all of your Christmas preparations coming?  Are you in panic mode, or enjoying the season mode?  I am somewhere in the middle of that.  I have most of the projects done and the shopping done, now I just need to get the wrapping and the delivering done!  :)

I thought that I would save this thought for right before Christmas because this is the

Real Reason for the Season.  


This is formatted to 8 x 10 for any of you that would like to frame it!  This would be a great gift if you need a little last minute gift for someone!

To print, right click over image and go to “save image as”  then save in a folder.  Or you can right click over image and go to “copy image”  open your favorite program like word or presentations and right click again and go to paste.

I hope that  during this Christmas season you will have the real meaning of Christmas in your heart and in your home!

Thanks for visiting today. Love Ya!

Keep in touch…Like on Facebook and Pinterest

Thursday’s Thought-May Your Days Be…

How is everyone doing with all of your Christmas preparations?  I am going a little bit crazy about now!  I am realizing that there are only two weeks left until Christmas and really I only have a week and a half for all of my family gifts, because we will have our Christmas party a few days early because it is not our year for Christmas.  

(We do every other year for Christmas and Thanksgiving to try to accommodate the in-laws.)

I have been sewing like a crazy lady the last three days!  I have sewn 3 quilt tops and quilted two of them!  I will get the other one quilted tomorrow and then I will have to do all of the bindings!  That is what takes me a long time because of all the hand stitching, but I guess that I will just have to put on couple of good Christmas movies and see how much I can get done!  :)  I will post about them after I  have given them to the recipients!

Here is my thought for today.

  I hope that all of your days are Merry & Bright and that all of your Christmas wishes are coming true!


This is formatted to 8 x 10 for those of you that would like to print it.  To print, right click over image and go to “save image as” then save in a folder.  You can also right click over image and go to “copy image”  then open your favorite program like word or presentations and go to “paste”.  You can then size and print however you wish!

 This could be used for the front of a card, a gift tag or as a print!

Thanks for visiting today!   Love Ya!

Keep in touch…Like on Facebook and Pinterest

Thursday’s Thought- No Pouting Zone

How is everyone coming with all of your Christmas preparations?  I have all my decorating done, but really need to hit the shopping and it is just too cold to go outside today, so I guess I have better work on some projects that I have here at home!

Here is my thought for today!  When my children were small I needed this sign!  So I though it would be fun to make a little reminder that you might want to print and display somewhere in your house where the little ones can see it!  :)



To print, right click over image and go to “save image as”  then save in a folder.  You can also right click over image and go to “copy image”  then open your favorite program like word or presentations and right click again and go to “paste”.

I hope that you have a “NO POUTING” Thursday!

 (I meant you, not the kids!)

Love Ya!

Keep in touch…Like on Facebook and Pinterest

Thursday’s Thought-Life Does Not Have To…

Today’s thought does not really need any introduction nor explanation.  

This little thought says it just how it is!


I am thinking that this would be a great one to print and frame.  It is a good reminder about how good life is!

 Maybe I need to print this for my Thanksgiving table, or you could print and frame this for a hostess gift for the one that hosts your Thanksgiving dinner!  (If that person is you, so be it!)

Hope you all have a WONDERFUL Thursday!

Love Ya!

Keep in touch…Like on Facebook and Pinterest


Thursday’s Thought-What If You Woke Up…

Today my thought comes from a little 4-wheeling trip that my husband and I took last week!  We went up on a family property that we have and it was the most awesome, beautiful, Autumn day, that it just filled my heart with Thanksgiving for all the beauty and blessings that surround us!


What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

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