I made some Caramel Filled Snickerdoodle cookies this weekend and Holy Smokes Batman…were they ever good! Continue reading

I made some Caramel Filled Snickerdoodle cookies this weekend and Holy Smokes Batman…were they ever good! Continue reading
My family absolutely loves Chocolate Butterscotcharoo Bars, so when I saw a recipe for Chocolate Butterschotcharoo cookies…I knew that I just had to try them. And they did not disappoint…no, not even a little tiny bit! :) I have to make this recipe when I know that I have lots of people to help eat them or I know I can give away a couple of platefuls.
I saw this idea at Crate and Barrel a month or so ago and I just thought that it was so cute! I decided to make my own version of this mix. This is perfect for the busy holiday season because it makes bar cookies which are fast and easy! This is perfect for neighbor, teachers, friends, the sisters you visit teach…or for yourself when time is tight! Continue reading