It seems that I am on a bit of a pillow kick! But I love pillows all around my house and when I found these chevron pillow covers I just could not resist them! Continue reading

It seems that I am on a bit of a pillow kick! But I love pillows all around my house and when I found these chevron pillow covers I just could not resist them! Continue reading
Yesterday I mentioned that my daughter was making some things for her new house. Well of course she wanted new bedding and bedroom decor for the kids, so we got busy making some quilts. For her son’s room…she is doing it in super hero’s and the colors are the bright primary colors, so she decided that the quilt needed to be in those colors but with a simple pattern so as not to be too busy with the other decor. This is what she came up with and I think that it is perfect! Continue reading
My daughter is getting ready to move into her new home and wanted a couple of fun crafts to decorate with, so we made her a hello board and stand for her new front porch! Continue reading
I am trying to get all of my Christmas decorations down and everything cleaned up. It seems like every January I get the cleaning/organizing bug and it is a good thing! Since December is a pile it up month! :)
I made these fun pillows to go on my couch in the living room. I love these word pillows that are so popular right now! Continue reading
Today’s thought is just a very simple one that I thought would be fun printed and put in a frame. It is just an updated version of an oldie but goodie.
I have a frame that is 4 x 10 and I just thought that this saying would look so cute in this frame, so that is the reason for the size of this quote.
I did just a basic color…
And just for fun, I did a neon one!
You can download both of them here: love@home. I printed it out on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of photo paper and cut it out.
Put these in a frame and they would make fun gifts for newlyweds, birthdays, family members or just for your own home decor!So how do you like this neon one? I kind of like the updated look!
Hope you have a great Thursday and that you can have love@home!
This past weekend is one of my favorite weekends of the whole year! Every year on the Friday and Saturday before Labor Day, is Swiss Days in Midway, Utah. They have a giant boutique with really good quality products! It is always a mad house and it is the only time that I will go into the crowds to go shopping! I really do not like crowds all that much, but I look forward to this boutique in spite of all the people! :) Continue reading
We had our family pictures taken way back in May, but it has taken this long for me to get the finished products and get them put up on the wall! The pictures that I took down were about 18 years old! I have other family photo walls that are a lot more recent than that, but on this particular wall, I had not changed the pictures for that long!! I guess that I am just a creature of habit and love to see old pictures of my family.
Medical update: I am getting a little bit stronger every day. I think the thing that fooled me the most was how weak I am and how little energy I have! I guess that is from the blood loss. I feel like my arm is getting a little bit stronger every day and my incision is healing well. The good news is that the numbness is slowly leaving…the bad news…I can now feel it! I still have my super glue on the top of the incision, but the bruising is almost gone. (My arm just looks a little bit dirty where the bruising is!) I can now start lifting 10 pounds, but I cannot yet rotate my arm outwards all the way. But all in all, I would say that I am doing super!
So, I still cannot do very many projects, but I would like to share one with you that I picked up at a little boutique during our town celebration:
When my friend and I went shopping a week or so ago we found these cute Americana tote bags that have the Declaration of Independence on it…as soon as I saw it, I knew that it would make a darling pillow.
Today I have a fun new print in my shop! This is perfect for framing or for making into a Photo Block.
This saying makes a great accent piece for your home or it makes a great gift for someone you love! With the holidays coming up soon, you can get a good head start with this darling project!
You can look at it here, or just go to the “Shop” Category at the top of the page.
This print is formatted to an 8 x 10 size and is a JPG file, so you can have it printed as a photo!
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