I am really happy to show you the Bee Happy Quilt-Row 1! Continue reading

I am really happy to show you the Bee Happy Quilt-Row 1! Continue reading
I am doing the “Bloom Quilt Sew Along” by Lori Holt and today I want to show you my
#Bloom Quilt-Row 1!
This quilt is a block a week and we have already completed the first row: Continue reading
A few weeks ago, my granddaughter and I made a strawberry quilt block from the new Lori Holt Farm Girl Vintage Book.
Okay…all you quilters out there…have you see Lori Holt’s “Farm Girl Vintage” quilt book?
When my husband and I went on our little trip to Las Vegas and Arizona, I found a darling new quilt shop in Vegas! It is called The Christmas Goose.
They were so helpful and kind and they had so many darling quilts, kits, patterns and accessories that I just had to keep looking! But up in one corner of the store, they had the most striking quilt hanging on display, when I asked about it, I found out it was a Block of the Month quilt and they were willing to send it to me every month!!! Count me in! :) Continue reading
I am doing another block of the month quilt this year from Just Sew, in Highland, Utah. This year the quilt is called Posies on Parade. I tried to find the pattern online but could not find it. I do not even know who the pattern is made by. If anyone knows, I would love to find out, so I can give it to you. But this is my “Work in Progress” so far: Continue reading
This project is a work in progress.
It is my quilt top from the block of the month that I just finished! This is from the quilt shop, Just Sew, in Highland, Utah.
I love the fun, bright color combinations in the quilt with the white sashings to set it all off!
I am so excited! I joined a block of the month quilt at Just Sew in Highland, Utah!
I absolutely love the colors and the patterns in this quilt.
The pattern for this quilt is called: Sew Classic Sampler.
This pattern is designed to teach three kinds of piecing (regular, paper and template piecing) as well as a little applique. It is a very stunning quilt and I am SEW excited to be doing this!
These are my first two blocks that I have finished for this month:
Name of this block is: Arbor Window (aka Granny Square)
My daughter made this darling quilt for her daughter and had it all quilted up cute. All that need to be done was to put the binding on and it would be finished. Easy, right? Well not to her. She struggled to get it finished and finally just brought it to me to complete it. Isn’t that what moms are for? I really didn’t mind, because I just worked on it one evening while we were watching a ball game. She designed this pattern from a couple of other quilts that she had seen, and of course I loved all the ruffles!(I cannot believe that we are taking pictures outside in the middle of January in Utah and there is no snow!)
She started with 8 1/2 ” squares of fabric. Then she cut 2″ x width of fabric strips for the ruffles. She then cut the strips in half so they were about 21-22″ long. Gather each of the strips and sew them onto half of the squares. She randomly placed 5 minky flowers on 5 of the blocks with no ruffles. She stitched 1/4″ from edges of flowers and also from the edges of the centers of the flowers. She then laid it out on the floor and placed every other block with ruffles and each row had the ruffles turning the opposite way. Then simply sew the blocks together and then sew the strips together. I think that her design turned out absolutely darling. She put a minky backing on it so it is such a cozy quilt for her little girl. The edges of all the ruffles and the flower centers are raw, so that when you wash it, it will rag out and be so soft and cuddly!
I think that I might need to get another quilt project going after seeing how darling this one turned out! I loved the fact that she designed this all by herself, it tends to make a mother right proud! :)