Category Archives: Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Sour Cream Containers

I have a fun new product in the store today…it is these darling Thanksgiving sour cream containers!  I love the fun shape of these containers and thought that they would be perfect for your Thanksgiving table!Thanksgiving Sour Cream Containers Continue reading

Thanksgiving Worksheet Placemats

I thought that I would make a Thanksgiving worksheet placemat for those of you that have little ones or those of you that have little grandchildren…but when I got looking at some of the ones out there on the web,  I decided to just do a round-up of ideas because there are so many darling placemats already out there!

These are perfect for keeping the little ones entertained while you are busy getting all food ready for the big meal.  If you have a few older kids, let them be in charge of helping the little ones.  You could have little prizes or treats to help them get more excited.

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I hope that your day is filled with Love, Kindness and Pumpkin Pie!

The Graphics Fairy

I will be taking a couple of days off to spend time with the family!  Hope that you get to do the same.

Have a Thankful Day and Count Your Blessings.  Love Ya!

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If you need some reading to get you in the holiday mode, here are a couple of Christmas traditions that we have in our home, perhaps you will want to  make one of them a tradition in your home!

This first one is the one that I cherish the most.  You will want to read through this post, but be prepared to have a tissue at hand!  If you have children, this is a great tradition.  My husband and I do this every year with our family because all of our children are grown and so this is what we have the kids and grandkids do for our gifts!  It is wonderful!

white envelope

The White Envelope

The second tradition that we do is the Nativity.  The kids love to act this out and I have a very simple way to make all of the costumes!  You could even do these as a no-sew project if you want to.  They are very basic and simple, but the thing that I love about them is the fact that one size fits all…literally!  You just tie them up a little higher or tuck them in for the little ones!  Perfect, you make them once and then you have them forever!

Aren’t these kids the cutest ever? :)


Super Easy Darling Nativity Costumes

Did that get you in the Christmas Spirit?  

If you are a black Friday shopper, all I can say, is GOOD LUCK  and I hope you are able to get all the deals that you are out there for!  :)

As for me, I think that I will just stay home and enjoy my Christmas Decorations and get ready for our Sinterklaas Party!

Thanks for stopping by today.

 I am really grateful for all of my readers and I appreciate the support that you give to me!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Thanksgiving Roundup

I thought that today I would just do a fun Thanksgiving Roundup to get us ready for next week,

 with recipes, games, printables, decorations and just fun eye candy!

Here is a great site with many vintage images!  I love the old vintage pictures!

The Graphics Fairy

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Thursday’s Thought-Life Does Not Have To…

Today’s thought does not really need any introduction nor explanation.  

This little thought says it just how it is!


I am thinking that this would be a great one to print and frame.  It is a good reminder about how good life is!

 Maybe I need to print this for my Thanksgiving table, or you could print and frame this for a hostess gift for the one that hosts your Thanksgiving dinner!  (If that person is you, so be it!)

Hope you all have a WONDERFUL Thursday!

Love Ya!

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Easy Toffee Fruit Dip

Today I have a super easy recipe for you that is perfect for any of your fall gatherings!  

This would be a great one to make for Thanksgiving day, as an appetizer while everyone is waiting around for the turkey to get done!  Or it would be a great treat to watch during all of those football games that go on all day long!  Like I said, it is super easy to make and only has 4 ingredients, so the kids could even help with this recipe and give you more time on the important things, like reading all those black Friday ads! :)


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Thursday’s Thought-What If You Woke Up…

Today my thought comes from a little 4-wheeling trip that my husband and I took last week!  We went up on a family property that we have and it was the most awesome, beautiful, Autumn day, that it just filled my heart with Thanksgiving for all the beauty and blessings that surround us!


What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

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Thanksgiving Table Quilt

I finally got my Thanksgiving Table quilt done last week!  It took me longer to get to it than I anticipated!  (But isn’t that how a lot of things go?)  I am very happy with it, and it is on my kitchen table now, where I can enjoy it every time I walk into the kitchen!


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Thursday’s Thought – Come Ye Thankful People, Come

Sometimes the “hurrier” I go the “behinder” I get!

We did a Relief Society Activity at my house last night, so I am a little bit late in getting this posted this morning!  I will tell you all about our activity next week, it was a great activity in which we made our 72 hour food kits!

But for today, here is my Thursday “Thanksgiving” Thought.


For some reason, which is good, I have a very thankful heart this season!  I am grateful for my family, friends, health and freedom, just to name a very few.  I am grateful for a husband who supports me in everything I do.  He is my best friend, confidante, supporter and also the biggest tease!

Today, take just a few seconds and look around you at all the blessings that you enjoy, start counting them and soon you will have a very grateful heart too!

Have a grateful day today!  Love Ya!

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