Can you believe it is June already??? Where do the months go? It is time for my June 2016 Visiting Teaching Handout, for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints so here it is! Continue reading

Can you believe it is June already??? Where do the months go? It is time for my June 2016 Visiting Teaching Handout, for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints so here it is! Continue reading
I hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. We had a great one even though there was a lot of excitement in our neighborhood! One of our neighbors had a fire in their home on Thanksgiving morning! The home received smoke damage and damage to half of the house, but it is not a total loss, thank goodness! We are hoping that they will be able to move back in a week or two! But it will probably take months to get their home all put back together! It really makes you stop and count your blessings and my number one blessing is always my family, as was our neighbor’s! Everyone was safe and that was the most important thing!
But now, here is the December visiting teaching handout for Relief Society for my church I love that it is all about the Savior for this month, because to me that is what Christmas is all about!
I chose to focus on this quote by Elder D. Todd Christofferson.
This month for your visiting teaching message you will need to pick your favorite conference talk to discuss with your sisters, so I decided just to do a general card that you can hand out with any talk that you choose. With it being November, I went with a “thankful” theme. We all have many blessings that we need to be thankful for, one of them being the fact that we have a general conference twice a year with a living prophet to lead our church! I love conference weekend and the wonderful spirit that I feel every time I listen to our leaders.
So with that being said, I hope that you can show your gratitude to your sisters for all of your blessings.
I chose to use the quote by President Gordon B. Hinckley.
(Does anyone still miss him like I do?)
I love this quote on how to treat new converts, but in a sense are we not all converts? I think that this quote is just a good motto to have when dealing with anyone we meet!
I am scheduled to be on between 7:30 and 8:00 am!
I will be showing several different ways that you can use up all of that Halloween Candy
and I would love to have you join me!
This month your message will come from one of the conference talks. There are so many good ones, but I tend to gravitate to the ones on service. (Maybe that means that I need to serve more?!)
So I chose the talk from Sister Burton on “First Observe, Then Serve”