Category Archives: Printables

Thursday’s Thought…The Price

Well, I have jumped on the chalkboard bandwagon…

and my thought for today is my first attempt at this fun word art!

(Let me know what you think!)

I really like this quote because sometimes we need to stop and think about where we are spending our time,

and the price that we are paying for it.


This is the 8 x 10 format.

To print, right click over image and go to “save image as” then you can save in one of your folders and print from there or send to your favorite processing center.


This is the 11 x 14 size.

I hope that you have a great day and can spend it doing something that you love!  Love Ya!

Minty Shamrock Bark

I have a fun treat for you to make for St. Patrick’s Day.  I don’t really decorate or do a lot for this holiday, but this is a fun treat that you could make for FHE or just to be a kind little leprechaun and surprise your family!


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Thursday’s Thought- Family Subway Art

Today I am posting my Family Subway Art for those of you that did not see it on facebook.

This is just a fun subway art that tells how I feel about my family.  I have formatted it in two different sizes, 8 x 10  and also 11 x 14.  This would make a fun gift for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, a wedding, birthdays, or how about just a cute little pick me up gift for someone you love!  (Maybe yourself!)

This is the 8 x 10 format.


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Blank Invitation

Happy Presidents Day everyone!

 I hope that you get to spend the day doing something that you love!

Today, I have a little blank invitation for you.  I had to make these for one of our Relief Society activities for church and so decided that I would share a blank one with you!  You can just type your own information on it!  Print and cut and you will have your own individualized invitations!  Doesn’t get much easier than that.

In the orange box I changed my text to white and it makes it show up a lot better.

RS-002-food-storage-blankThis is formatted for an 8.5 x 11 page, so you can just print them on your own printer, and as you can see there are 4 to a page.

Hope that you enjoy them!

Have a great Presidents Day!  Love Ya!

You Light Up My Life

This is for my hubby for Valentines Day!

I love you!

But you might enjoy it too!:)  It’s a classic.

[embedplusvideo height=”480″ width=”640″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=lnk8SKD9zcA&width=640&height=480&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep5473″ /]

 This was also the theme for my grandkids Valentines.

 I filled a small box with some treats, a little surprise, and a light up balloon!  Plus some Love Potion #9.


 This is the Valentine that I made to go with each of the boxes.  I printed mine out on photo paper and loved the glossy look!  I know that these are late for you to use this year, but I needed to surprise the kids, so you can save them for next year!  This would be cute with little flashlights, glow sticks or anything that lights up!


Check out my new facebook page and the free Family Subway Art printable!

I hope that this day is filled with love.

Happy Valentines Day Everyone!  Love Ya!

Family Subway Art

Hey everyone, I need your help.

I changed my facebook page and so I would love it if you could visit me at  facebook  and like me.

 If you have  done this previously, you will need to do it again. :(

 I have this fun FREE Family Subway Art printable over there and they are in an 8 x 10 and 11 x 14 format just waiting to be printed and framed!

 I would also love it if you would share this!


You are the Greatest!

Have a great Day!  Love Ya!

Feb 2013 Visiting Teaching Handout

This months visiting teaching message for our church is:

Converted unto the Lord

I chose to use the quote by President Gordon B. Hinckley.

 (Does anyone still miss him like I do?)

I love this quote on how to treat new converts, but in a sense are we not all converts?  I think that this quote  is just a good motto to have when dealing with anyone we meet!


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