Okay, I have to tell you that I might be just a little bit obsessed with these Sew Together Bags! They are so fun to make and each one can be a little bit different…so you can personalize each one! Continue reading

Okay, I have to tell you that I might be just a little bit obsessed with these Sew Together Bags! They are so fun to make and each one can be a little bit different…so you can personalize each one! Continue reading
Last week my friend, Kathy, gave me a fun quilt design board! I have never used one before and I am finding that I love it! It is a board that you can lay out your quilt pieces to see where you want each piece to go.My board is about 14.5 x 20 inches. She covered it with a thin quilt batting and used this fun zebra print duck tape to finish the edges! You could make one any size that you want, I have a neighbor that designs her own quilts and she has a whole entire wall made into a quilt design board!
You can just lay out all of your pieces to see where you want to place them within your block. It was nice to lay this block out to make sure that none of the same pieces were right together! Can you guess what this block is?…
If you guessed a pumpkin…you are so smart! :) Maybe the orange was a dead giveaway though! This is one of the projects that I am working on right now. It is from Lori Holt’s Farm Girl Vintage. This is a twelve inch block so the pieces are a little bit bigger, but the blocks that I have been working on to go with this are only 6 inch blocks and their are a lot of 1 inch squares! It is a test of my accuracy, and sometimes I tend to go too fast and not be as accurate as I should be! So I guess I will learn to slow down and do it right! :)
I had these two monkeys helping me out this day. They really were good and I was able to get quite a bit done…but they wanted to be the models for my new quilt design board!
I have enjoyed sewing a lot more since my sewing room makeover and sometimes my husband cannot find me for hours. :) It is just so fun to be in a room that is organized and I can sew and design all I want to and then when I am done, I just close the door and it stays that way until I am ready to go back to it! If you have your own sewing room or area..you are one of the lucky ones and you know what I mean!
Today I have a yard tour for you. I was going to do this earlier…but a hail storm shredded some of my flowers to shreds and they are just now starting to look good again! Mother Nature is a curious creature. :) Continue reading
The weather here in Utah has been unseasonably warm, while I know the people in the East are buried in snow…It is crazy! But our warm weather has gotten the spring bug in me. I have been out working in my yard, I cut off all my raspberry plants and raked all the leaves and junk out of my garden. I still need to trim all my old perennials and get the fertilizer going! But I am enjoying this beautiful weather to work in.
This year, I did not put out any Valentines decorations, so I am ready to get the spring/Easter stuff out already! I went to the American Crafts scrapbook sale with my friend, Sharee, and we got some really fun papers, so I just had to make something with it! This is what I came up with! Continue reading
Do you need a last minute table runner for your Thanksgiving dinner, or perhaps you would like to make one for Christmas…or any occasion for that matter. Well, here is a tutorial on how to make a “Super Easy Table Runner!” This project is wonderful for a beginning seamstress or great for someone that is advanced!
Today I am visiting over at I Should Be Mopping The Floor. I am showing everyone how to make to make this Burlap and Sunflower Wreath! I would absolutely love it if you would skip on over and check this out!I put this wreath out on my chalkboard door out in my yard and I love how bright and cheery it is and how it welcomes me every time I come home!
So…go visit Kristi at I Should Be Mopping the Floor and see how easy it is to make this darling wreath! Of course, you could change out the flowers and add any color of flowers or …I am thinking pumpkins and acorns for the fall!
Check out the tutorial and see how simple this project really is!
Today I have a fun food craft that you can do with the kiddos! I am back to tending two of my grandkids a couple of days a week and I decided that we needed a project to do. I still have some limited use in my right arm and hand, but I can cook again, so we decided it would be fun to make cupcakes!
Medical update: I am getting a little bit stronger every day. I think the thing that fooled me the most was how weak I am and how little energy I have! I guess that is from the blood loss. I feel like my arm is getting a little bit stronger every day and my incision is healing well. The good news is that the numbness is slowly leaving…the bad news…I can now feel it! I still have my super glue on the top of the incision, but the bruising is almost gone. (My arm just looks a little bit dirty where the bruising is!) I can now start lifting 10 pounds, but I cannot yet rotate my arm outwards all the way. But all in all, I would say that I am doing super!
So, I still cannot do very many projects, but I would like to share one with you that I picked up at a little boutique during our town celebration:
Hi everyone, here is my first project post since my accident! I want to thank everyone again for all of your kind, sweet comments and for your support, they both mean the world to me!
Obviously, this project was finished before my injury, but it is one that I have thoroughly enjoyed while I have been recuperating!