Category Archives: Printables

Oct 2013 Visiting Teaching Handout

Here is the visiting teaching handout for this month for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

This month they are starting a new series on the visiting teaching message: “This is the first in a series of Visiting Teaching Messages featuring aspects of the mission of the Savior.”

The Divine Mission of Jesus Christ: Creator

This month the aspect that is being taught is that Jesus Christ is the Creator.  I chose to feature the quote by President Utchdorf; “We are the Reason He Created the Universe!  I love this thought and I hope that we can all remember this in times of trial and sorrow.


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Thursday’s Thought -Only Bad Witches…

Here is my thought today.  I don’t think that it needs any explanation or introduction!  

Because it is what it is…right?


This would be a fun one to print and frame.  Perhaps you know someone that would like this on their desk, or kitchen counter to make them smile when they look at it.

Happy Haunting today and if you are going to be a witch today, make sure that at least you are a beautiful one!  :)

Love Ya!

If you have not had a chance to check out the new Halloween printables in my shop, I would love to have you take a look, there is a complete party pack and and fun new Halloween banner, together, you have everything that you would need for that perfect Halloween get together!

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Halloween Printables

Hey, everyone I have some fun new printables in my shop!  I hope that you will take the time to check them all out.  I have Halloween bottle wraps, Halloween cupcake/straw toppers, Halloween bag toppers and a fun Halloween tic tac toe game.  You can buy them separately or as the Halloween party pack!


I also have this fun Halloween Banner that tops off the party pack and make it easy for you to have everything that you need for the perfect Halloween Party!


Do you have a Halloween party, get together, school activity or Halloween gathering that you are in charge of?  Well, now you have everything that you need and all you have to do is print and cut out!  It doesn’t get much easier that that!

Be sure to check out the Don’t Eat Jack Game while you are there too!  It is another great game for your party and it is fun for all ages, because after all who doesn’t love a game that is played with candy!

Happy Haunting!  Love Ya!

Thursday Thought-The Time You Enjoy…

Well, I got my second craft event over with last night!  Yeah!  It went very well and we had a great time.  I think that after my two crafting events that this thought today fits perfectly! 

Sometimes I think that we get going along in life and don’t take the time to do the things that we love to do, or if we do take the time to do them, we feel guilty!  Anyone out there ever done that?  I think that women especially do that, so this thought is perfect for a reminder to all of us that we need to take time and do something that we love!


This is formatted to an 8 x10 print, for those of you that would like to print it out.  This would make a fun little gift for some one you love or…

Maybe we should ALL print this thought out and put it in a frame, put it in our kitchen where we will see it everyday, to remind us to take time for ourselves!!!

Have a happy Thursday, and do something that you love to do today!

Love Ya!

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Thursday’s Thought- The Best Things in Life…

Today’s thought makes me giggle just a little bit.  Isn’t this the truth?

The best things in life really are free, but…



Hope this puts a smile on your face, too!

Have a Happy Thursday!  Love Ya!

Keep in touch…Follow on Facebook and Pinterest!

Owl Tags

I went to Swiss Days this weekend and it was a complete MAD HOUSE!  I have never seen that many people there!  I am glad for the vendors, but boy was it hard to get around and it was also very hot at 10 in the morning!  But I did manage to get a few fun things, one of them being a darling little boy quilt kit, I need another quilt like I need a hole in the head, but it was just too cute to pass it up!  :)

My husband and I went up to the cabin this weekend too and there is pretty good progress being made.  We are hoping to have everything put back together by next weekend.  We are keeping our fingers crossed!

I had so many kind comments and emails and Facebook comments this weekend with the Sept Visiting Teaching handout and I want to thank all of you that took the time to write, it really makes my day to hear from each of you!

To thank all of you for your support…I had a request to make the owl tags with no writing, so here is the blank version for you to use for any personal use!  These are perfect for gift tags, notes, journaling tags in scrapbooks, or just to make a fun list on!

Sept-2013-VT-003-blank-owl-tagsI hope that you have a great rest of the weekend!  

Thanks again for your support and for visiting today!  Love Ya!

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Sept. 2013 Visiting Teaching Handout

 This month the Relief Society message for our church is Self-Reliance.

I really like this quote by Elder Hales about the purpose of both temporal and spiritual self-reliance.  Here is the printable for this month:

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Thursday’s Thought-Always Look…

Sometimes I think that we all need a little reminder to just have a good attitude about life.  

I know that I tend to let little things drag me down and bother me when it is pretty silly if I really think about it.   If I will just stop and look around, it doesn’t take very long at all before I start to count all of my blessings and realize how fortunate I really am!  

I am sure that many of you are the same way, so let’s try together to:


 Have a happy Thursday!

Love Ya!

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10 Fabulous Fall Recipes

When the weather starts to cool down and the leaves start to turn colors, I get in the mood to cook again, so today I thought that I would just do a round-up of some of my favorite fall recipes that I have posted in the past.  These are all tried and true recipes that my family all love!


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Family is Where Life Begins…

Today I have a fun new print in my shop!  This is perfect for framing or for making into a Photo Block.  

This saying makes a great accent piece for your home or it makes a great gift for someone you love!  With the holidays coming up soon, you can get a good head start with this darling project!

Family is where-copy

You can look at it here, or just go to the “Shop” Category at the top of the page.

This print is formatted to an 8 x 10 size and is a JPG file, so you can have it printed as a photo!

Have a great day everyone!  Love Ya!

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