Happy Monday Everyone! Are you ready to get back into the swing of life after all the holiday fun? Our Grandkids all start back to school today, so I guess that means that we have to get back on a schedule too! :( It seems like the time went by too fast and I am not really ready. I tended my 19 month old grand daughter for 5 days, starting on Christmas Day, then my husband was gone for about 10 days, so I was really lazy and just played and read 3 books and I enjoyed the holidays! But I did get all of my Christmas put away and my house cleaned, so now I should be ready to start my routine.
Today I have a project that I wanted to try as an experiment. I showed you how to apply iron-on vinyl and I wanted to try something to see if it would work. It does…so now I know that the possibilities are endless! I did an iron-on on a sweat shirt, then I did another iron-on vinyl on top of it, to put put two colors together! I love how it turned out!
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