Category Archives: For the Home

Duck Brand® Tape Spring Wreath!

This post brought to you by Duck Brand. All opinions are 100% mine.

   Did you know that Duck Brand ® Tape now comes in Fabric, Glitter, Prism and Washi?    I was sent some of the fabric tape to make a project with and I was completely delighted with this fun product!  I received some spring colors, so decided that a fun wreath was in order!      


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Spring Welcome Sign

I was driving down the road yesterday and this is what I saw! 

The skies were so blue, the clouds and the tops of the mountains so white, and it just looked like spring with the sun shining so bright!  


I love that I live so close to the mountains and that I get to experience all 4 seasons! 

They are all so beautiful! 


Well, after being outside a bit, I decided that I needed to start getting ready for Spring, so I thought that a welcome sign would be just the thing to get me started.  This sign is on my post that sits at the front door.


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Valentines Roundup

I decided today that I would do a fun Valentines roundup from some of my past posts.  These are my top Valentines posts that have been viewed and pinned the most…so take a look to see if there are any that you might have missed!  You can just click on the link to find out more about each of these ideas!

To start off this round-up let’s begin with this yummy dessert!


Raspberry Cream Puffs

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Top Ten Posts for 2013

I posted this a couple of weeks over at I Should Be Mopping the Floor, and I wanted to post it here for you today!

 These were my top 10 posts  in 2013!

Top 2013 posts

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Button Trimmed Dishtowels

I used to decorate for all the holidays when my children were at home, but now I usually decorate a lot  for Halloween… a little bit for Thanksgiving… for Christmas I still go all out… and then I kind of just go spring/Easter and Summer/Patriotic.

But I still like to have a few decorations and candies in my kitchen for each holiday!  So for Valentines day, I decided to make up these darling button trimmed dishtowels!  I got the supplies for these last spring, when we went on our trip to Arizona.  My husband basically took me on my very own, private, quilt shop hop on that trip!  We went to about 15 different quilt shops while we were there for Spring Baseball, it was like having the best of both worlds!  :)

So here are my button trimmed dishtowels:


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Stitched Redwork Quilt

I finished my redwork quilt last weekend and I am so excited to put up all my Christmas decorations now!  In fact, I had all my kids and grandkids haul up all my boxes with my decorations from the downstairs, so they are scattered in boxes all around the house!  It usually takes me 2-3 days to put up all of my decorations, but for the most part, I take my time and just enjoy it.  I usually have a little helper or two, so it goes up pretty quickly.

Here is my newest redwork project, to add to my collection:


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Thanksgiving Table Quilt

I finally got my Thanksgiving Table quilt done last week!  It took me longer to get to it than I anticipated!  (But isn’t that how a lot of things go?)  I am very happy with it, and it is on my kitchen table now, where I can enjoy it every time I walk into the kitchen!


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Give Thanks Projects

Today I have some of the projects from our craft retreat earlier this fall.  We did some fun projects and these are the ones that were done for Autumn and Thanksgiving.  I have tons of decorations for Halloween and not so many for Thanksgiving, so I was glad to be able to make these that are for the Thanksgiving season.  I think that sometimes we just overlook Thanksgiving and our minds just go straight to Christmas.  I know I tend to do that, but I love that fact that we have a holiday to show our Thanks!  We all need to look around us at all the blessings that we have and stop and acknowledge them!  So, here are a couple of projects that will help you to remember to “Give Thanks!”


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Craft Retreat 2013

We were able to get our cabin all put back together from the fire and the flood, just in time for my craft retreat this weekend.  (Sometimes it helps to have a deadline that you are working for!)  The new carpet was installed on Monday and we arrived on Thursday!  The ladies were all kind enough to help me put a couple of the beds back in the right place and do a quick little clean-up.  

We started the weekend with a shopping trip to World Market and a couple of other places, then we had dinner at Cafe Rio, a favorite of everyone!  After dinner we drove up to our cabin.  There were 6 of us and we had a great time over the course of the next two days getting to know each other.  We crafted, we ate, we talked, we laughed, we ate, we crafted some more and just had a great overall time.

Craft retreat 2013

This is what the loft looked like most of the weekend.  We were painting, sewing, paper crafting and doing vinyl!  We were able to complete 5 different projects in one day!  It was pretty much a marathon, but such a fun one!  We started Friday morning right after breakfast and ended at about midnight!  With only a couple of breaks in between.


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